Numerology, Astrology & Handwriting Analysis – Career Timing & Personal Strengths & Weaknesses

We can't tell you the exact hour you will accept a good job offer, but we can tell you when things are more in your favor. Knowing when your timing is challenging or rewarding in relation to obtaining a new job gives you heightened perspective, as well as an edge in your job search.

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Building Personality – How Can Handwriting Analysis Improve Your Life

Not all people were happy when I introduced myself as a handwriting analyst. These people would start to hide their handwriting or tell me that they were relieved that I did not see their handwriting yet. The truth is handwriting analysis is the same as any other personality tools that are available nowadays. The purpose is to reveal the personality so that you could make improvement to yourself and become a better person.

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The Meaning of Printing in Handwriting Analysis

How we connect our letters gives information on how we connect with other people. When we don't connect our letters, as is the nature of printing, we have trouble with our interpersonal relationships because, at the personality level, there is no true desire - or ability - to "bond" or "connect" intimately with another.

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