Poison Pen – First Book in New Forensic Handwriting Mystery Series

Claudia Rose, a forensic expert, is pulled into an investigation to prove that a former classmate's suicide note was not real. Her partner claims that she just wouldn't kill herself; most others agreed--they figured she'd be murdered before she'd ever committed suicide! This is a great beginning to a new series. Sheila Lowe is a professional in the field and has several nonfiction books to her credit.

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Handwriting Experts Need Your Help!

Scenario: You just received a copy of your Mom's will and believe that your sister wrote it and attempted to copy your Mom's handwriting and signature on it. Not only that, but it really looks good! You could not imagine how much her handwriting looks like your mom's. But, you know that your Mom never would have written a will that left you $2 and the stuffed family monkey-- not to mention bequeathing everything else to your sister.

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Handwriting Experts and Their Fees

The first thing a client will ask when there is a need for professional Document Examination is, "How much does it cost?" The Document Examiner usually uses forensic guidelines to determine the fee. However, a glance at what other Document Examiners are charging is a good idea so that the costs fall into a perimeter that doesn't discourage the client from calling back.

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