The Fascinating History of Handwriting Analysis

Handwriting analysis, also known as graphology, is the study of handwriting as a means of revealing personality traits and character traits of the writer. This practice dates back thousands of years and has been used by many cultures and civilizations, from the ancient Egyptians to the present day. In this article, we will explore the fascinating history of handwriting analysis and its evolution over time.

The Origin of Handwriting Analysis

The origin of handwriting analysis can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians, who believed that a person’s character could be revealed by the way they wrote. They would examine the shape and form of the letters in a person’s handwriting to gain insight into their personality. This practice was later adopted by the Greeks, who used it to screen job applicants and assess their suitability for various roles.

The Development of Modern Handwriting Analysis

The modern practice of handwriting analysis began to take shape in the 19th century, when the first systematic study of handwriting was conducted. This study was led by an Italian criminologist named Cesare Lombroso, who believed that a person’s character could be revealed through their handwriting. He developed a system of graphology that was based on the observation of specific traits in handwriting, such as the size, spacing, and slant of the letters.

The Use of Handwriting Analysis in Psychology

Handwriting analysis also gained popularity as a tool in psychology in the 20th century. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, used handwriting analysis as a means of exploring the unconscious mind. He believed that the unconscious mind could be revealed through the patterns and movements of the hand in writing. This idea was later adopted by Carl Jung, who developed a system of handwriting analysis that focused on the symbolism of the letters and the shape of the writing.

The Use of Handwriting Analysis in Business

Handwriting analysis has also been used in business as a means of evaluating job applicants and employees. Many companies use handwriting analysis to assess the suitability of job candidates for specific roles. This practice is based on the idea that a person’s handwriting can reveal their personality traits, such as their level of stress, their level of ambition, and their level of emotional stability.

The Controversy Surrounding Handwriting Analysis

Despite its widespread use, handwriting analysis has faced criticism and controversy over the years. Critics argue that handwriting analysis is not a science and that there is no scientific evidence to support its claims. Some experts also argue that handwriting analysis is subjective and that the interpretations of handwriting can be influenced by the bias of the analyst.


In conclusion, the history of handwriting analysis is a fascinating story of how the human desire to understand others has led to the development of a practice that has been used for thousands of years. Although it has faced criticism and controversy, handwriting analysis remains a popular tool for revealing the personality traits of individuals and is widely used in many different fields, from psychology to business. Whether or not you believe in the validity of handwriting analysis, its long and rich history is a testament to its enduring appeal.


  1. What is handwriting analysis? Handwriting analysis is the study of handwriting as a means of revealing personality traits and character traits of the writer.
  2. When did handwriting analysis originate? Handwriting analysis can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians, who believed that a person’s character could be revealed by the way they wrote.
  3. What is the purpose of handwriting analysis in psychology? In psychology, handwriting analysis is used as a tool to explore the unconscious mind and reveal the personality traits of individuals.