The Different Graphology Schools in Handwriting Analysis

Handwriting analysis, also known as graphology, is the study of handwriting to determine the writer’s personality traits, emotional state, and aptitudes. It is a powerful tool for self-discovery and has been used for various purposes, including personnel selection, counseling, and criminal investigations.

Graphology has been in existence for over 300 years and has evolved into several distinct schools of thought, each with its own approach, techniques, and methods. In this article, we will explore the different graphology schools and their unique perspectives on handwriting analysis.

The Psycho-Graphology School

The psycho-graphology school is one of the oldest and most widely recognized schools of graphology. This school focuses on the psychological aspects of handwriting, including the writer’s personality, character, and emotions. It views handwriting as an expression of the writer’s innermost thoughts and feelings, and as a direct reflection of their subconscious mind.

One of the key techniques used by psycho-graphologists is the analysis of the writer’s signature. The signature is considered to be the most important aspect of handwriting analysis as it is a deliberate and conscious representation of the writer’s identity. The size, position, and style of the signature are all analyzed to determine the writer’s level of confidence, self-esteem, and sense of responsibility.

The Graphoanalysis School

The graphoanalysis school is an offshoot of the psycho-graphology school, and it focuses on the technical aspects of handwriting analysis. This school views handwriting as a combination of physical and psychological elements, and it analyzes the writer’s pen pressure, slant, spacing, and size to determine their character and personality traits.

Graphoanalysis is a highly structured and systematic approach to handwriting analysis, and it uses a set of standardized symbols and interpretations to analyze handwriting. This school places great importance on the analysis of the writer’s loops, which are considered to be the most telling aspect of handwriting. Loops are analyzed for their size, shape, and orientation to determine the writer’s level of intelligence, creativity, and emotional stability.

The Scientific Graphology School

The scientific graphology school is a relatively new school of thought, and it focuses on the use of scientific methods and techniques in handwriting analysis. This school views handwriting as a complex system of physical and psychological elements that can be analyzed using computer algorithms and statistical analysis.

The scientific graphology school is heavily influenced by the field of psychology, and it uses scientific research to validate its findings and conclusions. This school also places great importance on the study of the evolution of handwriting over time, and it uses this information to make predictions about the writer’s future behavior and development.

The Integrative Graphology School

The integrative graphology school is a relatively new school of thought that views handwriting analysis as a holistic approach. This school combines the perspectives of the different graphology schools to create a more comprehensive understanding of the writer’s personality, character, and emotions.

The integrative graphology school recognizes that handwriting is an expression of both physical and psychological elements, and it uses this information to create a more complete picture of the writer’s personality. This school also places great emphasis on the importance of considering the writer’s context and environment when conducting a handwriting analysis.


In conclusion, the different graphology schools provide a rich and diverse perspective on handwriting analysis. Each school brings its own unique approach and techniques to the field, and the combination of these schools provides a comprehensive understanding of the writer’s personality, character, and emotions. Whether you are interested in self-discovery, personnel selection, or criminal investigations, handwriting analysis is a powerful tool