Why Handwriting Analysis is the Future of Hiring

In today’s competitive job market, employers are always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to evaluate job candidates. One tool that is becoming increasingly popular in the hiring process is handwriting analysis.

Handwriting analysis, also known as graphology, is the study of a person’s handwriting to identify personality traits, character, and behavior. By analyzing a candidate’s handwriting, employers can gain valuable insights into their potential performance on the job.

Here are some reasons why handwriting analysis is the future of hiring:

1. Handwriting Analysis is Objective

Unlike traditional methods of evaluating job candidates, such as resumes and interviews, handwriting analysis is an objective tool. It is based on scientific principles and is not influenced by personal biases or opinions.

2. Handwriting Analysis is Efficient

Handwriting analysis can be done quickly and efficiently. It only takes a few minutes to analyze a candidate’s handwriting, and the results can provide valuable insights into their personality, work style, and potential job performance.

3. Handwriting Analysis is Cost-Effective

Compared to other hiring tools, such as background checks and psychological assessments, handwriting analysis is relatively inexpensive. It can be done by a trained professional or even using specialized software, which makes it accessible to businesses of all sizes.

4. Handwriting Analysis is Accurate

Studies have shown that handwriting analysis is an accurate tool for evaluating personality traits and behavior. It can provide insights into a candidate’s work ethic, communication style, and even their potential for leadership.

5. Handwriting Analysis Can Be Used for Team Building

Handwriting analysis can also be used to build strong, cohesive teams. By analyzing the handwriting of current team members, employers can identify common traits and characteristics that contribute to a positive team dynamic. They can then use this information to build more effective teams in the future.

In conclusion, handwriting analysis is a valuable tool for employers looking to hire the best candidates. It is objective, efficient, cost-effective, and accurate, making it a great addition to any hiring process. As technology continues to evolve, handwriting analysis will become even more accessible and widely used in the hiring process.


  1. Is handwriting analysis legal to use in the hiring process?

Yes, handwriting analysis is legal to use in the hiring process, as long as it is not used to discriminate against candidates based on race, gender, or other protected characteristics.

  1. How accurate is handwriting analysis in predicting job performance?

Studies have shown that handwriting analysis is a moderately accurate tool for predicting job performance.

  1. Can handwriting analysis be done remotely?

Yes, handwriting analysis can be done remotely using specialized software and digital tools.

  1. What types of traits can handwriting analysis reveal about a candidate?

Handwriting analysis can reveal a wide range of personality traits and characteristics, including work ethic, communication style, leadership potential, and more.

  1. How can employers use handwriting analysis to build stronger teams?

By analyzing the handwriting of current team members, employers can identify common traits and characteristics that contribute to a positive team dynamic. They can then use this information to build more effective teams in the future.