The Keys to Reading Body Language

Body language is an expressive gesture. Humans communicate in many non-verbal ways including gestures, facial expressions, tonal quality, gait, and handwriting. Research shows that there is congruency between these non-verbal communications of ours. For example, if someone walks and talks very slow, their handwriting will be slow. Handwriting is a crystallized gesture; a gesture frozen in time. Through understand out handwriting, and that of others, we can gain unique insight to the inner workings of the mind. We can use physiology to understand psychology. The field of body language, reading gestures, and handwriting analysis is growing at a rapid rate.

Sciences of expression, of which handwriting movement is one, owe their existence to a natural law that exists and governs living things: Every feeling, either conscious or unconscious, is manifested outwardly by an expression. Every human gesture is charged with meaning as it expresses the contents of the unconscious

When one looks at facial expressions, one can see anger, happiness, or sadness, without having to pause and think about what mood the person is in or what they might be trying to express. We instinctively and intuitively understand what the face expresses. And we also give meaning to hand gestures.

We know whether a smile is forced or truly sincere but most likely be unable to say what the differences were in the various muscular contractions that ultimately produce a sincere smile and a contrived, or forced smile. We experience gestures that are warm and welcoming, or ones that are meant derogatively as well as many other possibilities.

All expressions, whether conscious or unconscious, have a universal language that is communicated through symbols. Every form of expression and every movement have meaning. The richest unconscious material is found in handwriting, also known as scriptural movements. Handwriting is a snapshot, a gesture frozen in time and space yet containing the essential dynamic of the movement that produced it. It is one of the most spontaneous expressions of the psyche’s activity, comprising movements of conscious and unconscious origin.

Conscious intentions include the desire to produce a certain effect in one’s handwriting, which can lead the writer to adopt a more grandiose script or imitate someone admired. But even in these attempts, the unconscious comes through and the trained graphologist can see the signs of inhibition that such attempts

The conscious and unconscious are inextricably linked. Carl Jung stated that every unconscious psychic element is projected outward. Or as others have expressed it: As within, so without; as below, so above. Even more impactful is a statement of Jungian analyst James Hollis, PhD, “What you see is a compensation for what you don’t see.”

Our writing, then, emanating from neural impulses in our brain, is a subconscious projection onto paper of symbolic forms that are already alive within us. We modify the copybook alphabet we learned in school according to the conscious ideas and the unconscious images that determine our personality. In both dreams and handwriting, the same archetypal representations and symbolism of space appear.

When we engage in writing, we position ourselves in space. The blank sheet of paper represents the world and every movement we make in writing is symbolic of how we engage with and behave in the world. How we approach the paper, when we begin to write, how we position our writing, and how our hand moves across the page are all full of meaning.

If you want to learn about yourself, a possible mate, co-workers, or who to hire, consider consulting an experienced, certified handwriting expert.

Lisa M. Schuetz, an expert Jungian Graphologist, invites you to read about graphology, body language, and personality at

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Author: Lisa Schuetz
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